Mainland High School
Blinding Light: ISTF 06-1439

Analyzer - A polarizing device, that indicates the direction of vibration of light by selecting and transmitting only the component of linearly polarized light in that direction

Band Gap – The energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band in insulators.

Blackbody Radiator – An object that absorbs 100% of the electromagnetic radiation that strikes it. Its name is based on the fact that it does not reflect any light. Black body radiators are capable of emitting a broad range of radiation with a peak that is directly proportional to the object's temperature

Boltzmann Constant – A ratio of the ideal gas law constant (8.314 J/K·mole) to Avogadro's number (6.02 x 1023 mole-1) which equals 1.3806 x 10-23 J/K

Cones – cells in the retina of the eye which only function in relatively bright light and allow the brain to perceive color

Continuous spectrum – A range of values that can be graphed to fill a range with closely spaced or overlapping intervals.

Dielectric – A substance that is highly resistant to an electric current and whose charges are redistributed within its cells and molecules when an electric field is applied to it.

Diffuser – A translucent piece of glass that scatters, disperses or diffuses the light that passes through it. It is more effective when father from a light source. Light dispersion decreases with the distance between the two.

Discrete spectrum – A countable set of vectors of a function.

Emboss – To mold or carve with a raised design. 

Glare – Light that when reflected becomes a very bright blinding light.

Glazing – A transparent part of a wall made of either glass or thick plastic. In architectural applications, this includes float glass and tempered glass.

Grating - A number of parallel and closely spaced slits that constitutes a diffraction. The greater the number of slits, the higher the resolution.

Grotthuss-Draper Law – States that when light is observed it by an object, the light may then bring about a photochemical change.

Hertz – the SI unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second.

Insulated glazing – Glazing consisting of two or more layers separated by a spacer along the edge to create a sealed air space between the layers.

Intensity of Light – The measure of how intense a light source is.

Interleave – to insert (material) alternately and regularly between the pages or segments of something.

Joules – the SI unit of energy, measured in kg·m²/s². Energy can also be measured by calories. One calorie equals 4.184 joules.

Laminate glass – A type of safety glass that is shatter proof. It is held together by a piece of PBV laminate with two pieces of glass on the outside.

Lehr-- an oven used to heat glass in order to remove or prevent internal stress.

Light emitting diode (LED) – A semiconductor that emits an non-coherent narrow-spectrum light when an electrical current is run though it.

Liquid crystal – A liquid that when exposed to an electrical field, turns into a crystal-like form having special optical properties.

Lumens – One of the measurements use to measure the amount of light a source produces.

Lux – The international measurement for the intensity of light.

Micro – A metric prefix meaning 10-6.

Micron – 1 millionth of a meter.

Nano – A metric prefix meaning 10-9.

Neuron – A cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses.

Ommatidium – Any of the numerous small cone-shaped eyes that make up the compound eyes of some arthropods

Photoreceptor cells – Cells found in the eye’s retina, these cells help contact the membrane to complete the image in the brain

Polarizer - A material that causes light to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions.

PVB (polyvinyl butyral) – A resin that is use for strong biding of materials and optical clarity.

Retina – The part of the eyeball (located in the back of the eye) that receives the image that is produced from the lens, this part of the eye is known as the sensory for the eye.

Rhodopsin – A bright-red photosensitive pigment found in the rods of the retina of most higher vertebrates.

Rods – The part of the eye that allows use to see contrast.

Spectral Density Graph – A graph showing the amount of power put out at specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, typically in the visible light range.

Stamping – To form or cut out with the use of a mold or die.

Stark-Einstein Law – States that when a quantum radiation is absorbed through a surface, a single molecule will react with the radiation.

Wavelength – Distance between the two adjacent in-phase points on a wavefront.

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Mainland High School ISTF
Volusia County Schools

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