Our governmental examples of interoperability include SAFECOM, GAO,and e-GIF. All
of these are attempts to standardize protocol or force the use of a universal proccess.
SAFECOM is a program of
the Department of Homeland Security dedicated to communications interoperability
for emergency responders. They are backed by the
Office of Emergency Communications and the Office for Interoperability and
They have defined
interoperability as the ability of every standard, procedure, or format to
communicate between each other. Interoperability can be hindered by:
- Incompatible and aging communications equipment;
- Limited and fragmented budget cycles and funding;
- Limited and fragmented planning and coordination;
- Limited and fragmented radio spectrum;
- And limited equipment standards.
Among the steps SAFECOM has taken to advance interoperability are:

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The Government Accounting Office, GAO, conducted
interoperability research on grants that the Department of Homeland Security
awarded. This research was conducted in Congress' request to see how the grant monies
were being used and to determine the development and implementation of interoperability.
As a result of their research they recommended that the Department of Homeland Security
give states assessments on their use of the grants and give guidance on acquiring
interoperable equipment.
The Department of Homeland Security gave
Florida a 55.7 million dollar grant to develop a system of interoperability.
In response, Floridaian government established a committee to decide how the money
should be spent. It was determined that completely replacing the old system with
a new system would cost too much. Instead, they established a dispatch center that
receives and translates signals and redistributes them to relevant personnel. Florida's
government also established a mobile version called
Mutual Aid Radio Communications who are equipped with their own radios to
be deployed to first responders. Radios are deployed when local communications are
down, or, when neighboring states have need during emergenices such as hurricane
e-GIF, a current project in the United Kingdom, defines interoperability
as the ability of government organizations to share/integrate information and business
processes by using common standards. e-GIF, which is short for electronic Government
Interoperability Framework, is a set of policies and standards which will allow
information to be shared seamlessly with the public. The framework will provide
citizens and businesses with better access to modern and improved public services.
The e-GIF will reduce costs and risks, and allow organizations to concentrate on
providing information and services to their customers.
standards that the e-GIF endorses remain accessible to everyone
free of charge. Aspirations of the e-GIF include:
- Reusability of systems, knowledge, and experience from one agency to another, thereby
allowing government agencies to work together more efficiently electronically.
- Reduced reliance on tapes and disks to exchange data because they tend to be unreliable
and insecure.
Many industry-based examples are available to show the importance of interoperabilty
among local emergency agencies. In addition to numerous home security companies,
General Motors has developed a mobile system called
OnStar to assist its customers.

OnStar is a device that allows drivers or passengers in danger to call for help
and be located if he or she does not have the time or ability use a cell phone.
The system incorporates many different
technologies such as GPS, cellular phone, and emergency response systems.
The OnStar console contains a built-in microphone and utilizes the car's speakers.
When a car's occupant makes a call, one merely says the number or a name associated
with the number and the OnStar console calls on its own allowing the occupant the
speak "hands free." The Vehicle Comm and Interface Module (VCIM) within the car
connects the vehicle to OnStar's Call Center. Not only does OnStar make it easier
to make calls, but it guarantees better cellular reception.
It uses a full 3 watts as opposed to a cell phone's 0.6 watts.
OnStar also incorporates voice recognition in more ways than just the telephone:
one can request information on the weather, acquire turn-by-turn directions, and
request roadside assistance. Also in the event of an accident, the OnStar Call Center
used four different satellites to pinpoint the car's location when either the driver
or the car itself asks to be located. The VCIM will translate requests into XML
(Extensible Markup Language), translate it into VoiceXML, and dictate the requested
OnStar buttons can usually be found on the rearview mirror,
the dashboard, or the overhead console. There are a total of four buttons. The first
is the power button. The second is the phone call button that you press to make
cellular calls. The third is the blue OnStar button that alows you to contact a
live or computer advisor in order to set up an
OnStar plan. The final button is the red emergency button.