2-Stroke Engine - Engine that is normally used in Jet-skies. They use a fuel and oil mixture that are both burned in the cylinder chamber. Normally small and run on high RPM's. no crank case
4-Stroke Engine - Engine that is normally in Cars and Boats. Has a crankcase (oil is added sepratly and is not burned in the combustion reaction)
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons - hydrocarbons which do not contain a benzine ring
amphipod - small crustaceans
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
Bluewater Network - a national environmental organization aggressively confronting the root causes of climate change and fighting environmental damage from the shipping, oil, and motorized recreation industries.
CAA - Clean Air Act, passed in 1975
CARB - California Air Resources Board
Carborator - Device that brings and allow fule passage into the combustion chamber
CaRFG2 - California Phase II reformultated Gasoline
CaRFG3 - California Phase III reformulated gasoline without MTBE. Will be introduced on December 31, 2002
Combustion Chamber - Place where spark pulg fires and creates combustion in above piston
Crank-shaft - Device that turns the propeller in a jet-ski, located in the bottom of the engine
CWA - Clean Water Act, passed in 1972 by EPA
Engine - A machine that converts energy into mechanical force or motion.
Such a machine distinguished from an electric, spring-driven, or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel.
A mechanical appliance, instrument, or tool: engines of war.
EPA - Environmental Protection Area
ETBE - ethyl tert-butyl ether, gas emissions reducer
four stroke engine - an engine that uses two up strokes and two down strokes
hydrocarbon - An organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen
Impeller - a type of propeller fitted into a surrounding "tunnel"
In-Situ - Static
Intake Port - Used in (MPI) Multi Port Injection, used in moder fuel system, fuel comes in through it and is then distributed into the combustion chamber
LUST - Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
magneto - A device that produces alternating current for distribution to the spark plugs, used in the ignition systems of some internal-combustion engines.
[Short for magnetoelectric machine.]
mg/L - micrograms per liter
MMT - methylcyclopetdielyl manganese tricarbonyl, octane booster
motor - Something, such as a machine or an engine, that produces or imparts motion.
A device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy, especially an internal-combustion engine or an arrangement of coils and magnets that converts electric current into mechanical power.
MTBE - 1) methyl tertiary-butyl ether
MTBE plume - an elongated and usually open and mobile column or band
MTHF - methyl tetra hydro furan, octane booster
NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards
octane - Any one of a group of metametric hydrocarcons (C8H18) of the methane series. The most important is a colorless, volatile, inflammable liquid, found in petroleum, and a constituent of benzene or ligroin. Any of various isomeric paraffin hydrocarbons with the formula C8H18, found in petroleum and used as a fuel and solvent
octane - The main component of gasoline, octane is an isometric saturated hydrocarbon consisting of 8 carbon atoms and 18 hydrogen atoms per molecule. It is found in petroleum and used as a fuel and solvent.
oxygenates - substances that, when added to gasoline, increase the amount of oxygen in the gasoline blend
Personal Watercraft (PWC) - A boat under 16 ft in length that is powered by an inboard, internal combustion engine running a water jet pump
Power Stroke - Time in the engiine scycle when engery is utilized
Powerplant - Engine, motor
PPB - Parts per billion
PWC - Personal Water Craft
RFG - Reformulated gasoline, containing oxygenates, such as MTBE or ethanol
RPM - Rotations per Minute, the amout of times that an engine makes a complete in each minute
scavenging loss - the loss of fuel from the act of fuel going directly from the intake to the exhaust
TAME - Tert-Ayl methyl ether, a gas additive
TBA - Tert-butyl alcohol, replaced lead in gas
two stroke engine - an engine in which the piston has one up and one down stroke per cycle
VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds
volatilizes - to cause to pass off in vapor