Mainland High School
Operation WingChange: ISTF #02-0433








View citation in project The Wright Flyer
View citation in project Aviation Week & Space Technology

Component One
View citation in project  Codex Atlanticus
View citation in project  Wing Warping
View citation in project  Piezo Systems, Inc.
View citation in project  Optimized Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Wing Morphing for Extended
Range and Endurance
View citation in project  Simulation Uncertainty in Multidisciplinary Design
View citation in project  Managing Uncertainty in Bilevel Robust Design Optimization
View citation in project  Studies of Relaxor Piezoelectric Materials
View citation in project  Study of High Lift Configurations
View citation in project  Physics & Astronomy at Pomona College
View citation in project  Piezomechanik
View citation in project  DENSO
View citation in project  European Southern Observatory
View citation in project  Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
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Component Two
View citation in project  APC International, Ltd
Sensor Technology
View citation in project
View citation in project
View citation in project  Physik Instrumente Tutorial
View citation in project  Dryden Flight Research Center
View citation in project  Boeing Phantom Works
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
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View citation in project
View citation in project
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Component Three
View citation in project  The Infoshop
View citation in project  DENSO
View citation in project  Mr. Rick Blacow, Sensor Technology Limited
  email correspondence [Feb 26, 2003]
View citation in project  The Business Communications Company, Inc.
View citation in project  Georgia Institute of Technology
View citation in project  Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
View citation in project  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

View citation in project  Science Hobbyist
View citation in project  See How It Flys
View citation in project  University of Washington
View citation in project  All Star Helicopters
View citation in project  East Kentucky University
View citation in project  Encarta
View citation in project  NASA

View citation in project
View citation in project  How Stuff Works
View citation in project  Aeronautics Learning Laboratory for Science Technology and Research
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View citation in project  Smithsonian

View citation in project  AIAA History of Flight

View citation in project  Dr. Benjamin Dorfman
  email correspondence [Jan 15, 2003; Feb 4, 2003; Feb 20, 2003]
View citation in project  Super Street Online
View citation in project  Materials Science & Engineering Career Resource Center
View citation in project  About Network: Plastics and Composites
View citation in project  Delft Aerospace

View citation in project  NASA: LaRC Morphing Project
Sensor Technology Limited
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View citation in project
View citation in project
View citation in project  Physik Instrumente Tutorials #4
View citation in project  Physik Instrumente Tutorials #15
View citation in project  Smart Materials: IntelliMat!
View citation in project  The Infoshop


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Mainland High School ISTF
Volusia County Schools
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