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Steps to Making a Balloon Ball


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wpe3EE.jpg (959 bytes)  Inflate one balloon until it feels tight, but not stretched. (This seems so subjective… Your goal is that the balloon be inflated as big as possible while still being able to be covered with an inflated balloon.)

wpe3D5.jpg (1011 bytes)    Tie a knot in the "neck" of a balloon

wpe3D6.jpg (1034 bytes)   Clip the "neck" of another balloon as shown in the illustration below.

wpe3D7.jpg (1090 bytes)   One Student should stretch the clipped balloon while the partner stuffs the inflated balloon inside. Once this is done (the WORST is over), another balloon is clipped and used to cover the inflated balloon ball.

wpe3D8.jpg (1168 bytes)   Continue covering until all the balloons have been used.

wpe3D9.jpg (2535 bytes) An oblong balloon can be "rounded" by positioning the open end of the clipped balloon in different spot each time. Clip the "ring" off <image> the remaining band and use it to decorate and shape the balloon ball.

Number of balloons used to make your bouncing balloon:_________


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Drop Height

Bounce Height

      ________ cm       ________ cm ________
      ________ cm       ________ cm ________
      ________ cm       ________ cm ________

Average of this column



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Drop Height

Bounce Height

      ________ cm       ________ cm ________
      ________ cm       ________ cm ________
      ________ cm       ________ cm ________

  Average of this column


wpe3E1.jpg (2401 bytes) ….find the average of your two averages! ________
We will call this number the constant of your function.


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Under the best of scientific testing conditions, the function of your Balloon Ball would have been a Linear Function, meaning that it’s graph would be on a line.

Let’s see how close you came to optimum conditions by graphing your X’s and Y’s from both trials…..


wpe3E3.jpg (2537 bytes)… did you do? Are your results an approximation of a line?  What are some casual factors?

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wpe3E6.jpg (917 bytes)   Once again, what was the constant of your function?

wpe3E7.jpg (1019 bytes) What was the constant of your partner's function?

wpe3E8.jpg (1024 bytes)  How would you account for the difference in your constant and your partner's constant? (Give at least two possible causes)

wpe3E9.jpg (1021 bytes)  How could you use your constant to make predictions concerning your bouncing balloon?

wpe3EA.jpg (1169 bytes)  Let’s try! If the drop height were _______, what would you predict the bounce height to be?

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wpe3EC.jpg (1172 bytes)  How did your experimental results compare with your predicted results? Explain any similarities or differences.


MathSummer Projects
Copyright 1997-1999
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
All rights reserved
unless otherwise specified