heart beat.gif (8211 bytes)

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1.gif (1449 bytes)

Make a prediction about the relationship between pulse rate and age.



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Explain how you will find a group of people to participate in your study to prove your hypothesis.


Your study should include 40-50 individuals from birth to age 21.   Follow these procedures to find the pulse rates of your sample population (participants).

a.GIF (1503 bytes)

Place your index and middle finger of one hand on one of the pulse points.
b.GIF (1522 bytes) Have a group member look at a watch or clock with a second hand.   Count the number of beats that you feel in 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds. Then calculate the pulse rate in beats per minute.

c.GIF (1494 bytes)

Examine your results to see if pulse rates are constant at 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds.

3.gif (1514 bytes)

Make a chart to Gather your data from your participants.  Your chart should look like the following example:


Pulse Rate (beats/min)

Male Female

4.gif (1485 bytes)

Make a scatter plot of your results.  Make a key to show how you distinguished between your male and female participants.

doctor.GIF (6012 bytes)


5.gif (1529 bytes)

Approximate the line of best fit and draw it on the scatter plot.   Explain how you knew where to draw the line.



6.gif (1508 bytes)

Describe the correlation between pulse rate and age shown in your scatter plot.



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Describe any significant differences between age and gender.



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What other information does your group agree that the data shows?



9.gif (1527 bytes)

Write several paragraphs summarizing your study.  Explain how you gathered your data, how you selected your participants, the roles of all the group members, your methods for data analysis, and if the results matched your original prediction.






MathSummer Projects
Copyright 1997-1999
Career Connection to Teaching with Technology
All rights reserved
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