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BioMass: A Vertical Solution
Black lines - supporting structure
Red Stripes - catwalks (access)

Piping has been omitted but the flow sequence is as follows

grit chamber  -  primary clarifier  -  anaerobic - anoxic - aeration - final clarifier - gravel pit - chlorination

BioMass: A Vertical Solution


water weight

final clarifier 500000 4170000
aeration 900000 7506000
anoxic 250000 2085000
anaerobic 5500 45870
chlorinator 39000 325260
primary clarifier 125000 1040000
egg digester 660500 5508570






Notes and Descriptions

- All containers with the exception of the gas container will be filled with sewage.
- Sludge from the primary and final clarifiers go to the dewatering station and then to the digester and gas from the digester and the anaerobic go to the gas container.
- The pump house, dewatering facility and the grit chamber are all sitting on the gravel pit (ground).
- The approximate height of the entire structure will be 180 feet with a diameter of 110 feet.
- The total weight of the water/sewage is 10,350 tons.

Early Draft

which includes piping (but no primary clarifier)

  This is a graphic representation of an early vision of our product.  Perhaps the most notable change has been the elimination of concrete walls.  This greatly decreases construction costs.    Another change made since this diagram was originally drawn was the removal of the overflow reservoir.  Since a decision whether or not to include a reservoir in the treatment solution would vary on a city by city basis depending on climate, topography, quality of existing storm drain system, and the population flux.

Original Design

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